



Post Seven

Waiting For The Night To Fall - Ghost

Hallo Mein Lovelies!

I am so sorry for not making any other announcements when it was finished and when my novel was released to the world. I signed a new lease the week before and moving was a whole lot of not fun. I still have yet to unpack everything as the storage unit was emptied and my soon-to-be-ex husband and I were going through it all. At the same time menopause decided to burst in like the Kool-Aid man which flared up my fibro and I was NOT in a good way for a while. I am pulling through though, and Schrek is working on her project which is going great! She is already finished with her first draft and beginning some revisions before critique partner/beta reads. I am also not going to promote my book during this month of May. It is AANHPI month and I do not want to take away from their month since my book is set in Taiwan. This time is for them and to focus on them.

-Liebe 05/14/2024

Post Six

Red Ribbon - Sisters Of Mercy

Hallo My Lovelies!

The editing took longer than expected and I had a rough bout of the flu, but I have survived! The final copy is ready for proofreading and ARCs and will be sent out tonight!

Thank you so much for your support and patience!


Post Five

Hall Of Mirrors - Siouxsie and the Banshees

Hallo My Lovelies!

I have joined threads now and that was quite... A happening... I hope things go smoothly this year and I will be able to stay active online. I think I will be able to keep it going while I am busy with life. Anyway, Schrek is working on her book now and is going to be eating away at historical non fiction while I keep to myself with going through the Timothy Zahn Star Wars books. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one Heir to the Empire and I am now going through Dark Force Rising. So far, it is just a good. Maybe once everything is set up the way I want it and is settled, I might start making short videos and give a college try at TikTok. Ugh wish me luck.


Post Four

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Judy Garland

Hallo My Lovelies!

Yankee Concubine is off to the editor to get the manuscript all nice and polished. I had such a wonderful time at RomanceCon meeting so many of you. I was really hoping to have the ARCs ready by the end of this week, but it will be pushed back to new years. I do have the pre-orders up and ready on Amazon and in January I will be able to upload the file and get paperbacks ready for pre-order as well. Everything has been so exciting and full of life lately. Merry Yule to you all and Blessed Be!


Post Three

Bachelorette - Bjork

Hallo My Lovelies!

I have been taking a break and I am getting back into the swing of things, I plan on having the prologue edited and ready for the convention. I have gift bags ready to be assembled for the ARC requests at the convention and the cover art is undergoing it’s final revisions! Everything is coming together nicely and the plan is to have ARCs ready to go in December around Christmas or New Years. I also will be announcing at the con the release date. It is around the corner and I can’t wait to be there. Hope to see you soon!


Post Two

Bitches Brew - Crosses


It has been more difficult than I anticipated to meet these deadlines with my day job. I had to take a break because of the burnout. I was hoping to have ARCs ready by the time for Romancecon, but it doesn't look like it will be possible unless the beta reads go extremely well. I am getting close for it being beta reader ready, so wish me luck that there will me minimal revisions and the editing will go by quickly. If I still don't have ARCs ready, I will still have the sign-up so you can get it as soon as it's finished and ready. I also think I found a name for my main character. The other one was a filler name because nothing felt right, but this one feels better.

Thank you for reading my babbles.

Post One

Wallflower - Switchblade Symphony


I am a new author with my debut novel in the middle of being published: Yankee Concubine! Go check out the blurb at under Books.

My sister will be working on a title later this year during NaNoWriMo while I focus on marketing my book. I plan on the cover reveal in October of this year and I have my fingers crossed to be able to attend RomanceCon when I reveal it and taking pre-orders!

This will be my first event and I hope things work out so I can meet some amazing readers out there.

The excitement is real ya'll.